Wednesday 11 November 2015

Praying For Your Future Husband/Wife.

Many do not know the importance of this. I didn't either. The first time I heard about it, I was young and in my rebellious phase and had absolutely no spiritual understanding of what I had heard. The second time I would come across it, I was a bit more spiritually mature and so it resonated in my spirit. I still didn't make any attempt to follow or practice what I had heard. The third time, I heard it via a young woman's testimony. This is a woman I respect a lot and admire for her spiritual strength and her gentility. We were talking one day and she told me how she started praying for her husband even before she met him. I asked her if her prayers were answered and she told me she got more than she asked for.  She even went ahead to explain how later when they were talking he would share details of past battles and she would see a bit more clearly how her prayers specifically helped this man.

Guess what I did after that? I started to practice it. I asked for her leading and she was able to tell me where to start. You see, even though you're yet to meet the one God packaged for you, they still need your prayers. Some of them might be passing through some storms, others might be with the wrong partners. Your prayers go a long way in helping them. In the past, I rejected on the basis of physical attributes. I was vain and superficial and I knew it. Now, I've matured physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Now, I know there should be more to a man than the vessel harboring his spirit.

When you pray for the realistic attributes you want in your future spouse, pray that you manifest the same attributes as well. Why pray for a Godly man if you're the very opposite of Godly? Why anticipate receiving what you're not willing to give? Not only does praying for your future spouse helps them and enhances their growth, it also helps you. Do not be deceived, a prayerful man wants a prayerful woman and vice-versa.

Another thing this helps with is; loneliness. When you pray, your love for them grows even though you're yet to meet them physically. Your spirits become entwined and you want to stay faithful to them. You don't want to risk being with the wrong person when they come your way. It gives you the grace for patience. You no longer get jealous when you see your friends with their partners. You know yours is on his/her way and would be just right for you.

I want to help you get started the same way my spiritual mentor helped me. Pray that your future life partner manifests all the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Then ask that you manifest it as well. How do you know when you meet them? You won't get a shock and it won't be love at first sight either. Chemistry sizzles even with the wrong person.

To be sure you're with your God ordained partner; after knowing each other a while, go to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, substitute the word 'love' with their name, if they have all the attributes, then congratulations, you just won the jackpot!!!

Eg. Tola/Sewa is patient and kind; Tola/ Sewa is not arrogant or rude. (ESV)

You get the idea. Start praying!

"And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." - 1John 5:14 (NKJV)

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." - Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV)

Note: Married couples can pray for each other too. It strengthens the bonds of love and changes what you can't by human might or persuasion.

Prayer is definitely the key!

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