Saturday 21 May 2016

Discovering/Finding Your Purpose (Intro).

Wow...I haven't written in a's been 2 months of my emotions running helter skelter not sure of what they wanted to do. I lost my grandfather exactly 2 months ago and he was finally put to rest last week Saturday. I know he lived a full life and left to be with the Lord at a ripe old age but his death truly shocked me. It created a certain void I didn't know could exist. I still miss him. And his loss made it so hard for me to write anything I would want to publish and make public. My words were just too raw and filled with so much emotion.
I'm a little better now. Not that I stopped missing him or crying when I suddenly think about him, but I finally am at peace with his loss. I know death is the inevitable end of man and that my grandfather had never been afraid of going to meet his Creator. I know he's definitely in a better place.
His death got me wondering about so many things though. Some of which I've wondered about in the past and shrugged off. Nowadays, they seem to linger. One of such is the fact that man was created for a purpose but it is up to man to discover what that purpose is!
Life always seems boring, unexciting and dreary for those living without having figured out what their purpose is. What is my God-ordained purpose? What is yours? What exactly does God have in mind for me? What are His plans for my life? Why was I created? Why was I born here? What am I supposed to be doing? Is this all there is to life? There has got to be more, right?
I'm sure the above questions have gone through our minds at some point in our lives. One of the reasons some people who have everything seem to be uncontented and unhappy with their lives is because of lack of purpose. The key to living a fulfilled life is by finding your purpose.
In my next post we'll be looking at ways by which we can discover/find our purpose.
Check out my Facebook page : Mending Hearts
Contact number: 08086988620

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