Monday 14 December 2015

Single But Whole

Nowadays, it seems every other lady I come across is in a hurry to get hitched. I meet with resistance every time I try to tell them that single-hood can be the must interesting season of a woman's life. I understand the desire to be part of a couple. I have this same desire, I'm only human after all. The thing is, you cannot be made whole in a relationship if you aren't whole as a single. Expecting your partner to complete you is adding more pressure than necessary on them. This is what tears most relationships apart. You need to be secure in your individuality so you don't lose yourself in a relationship. If you were living a fulfilling life, you wouldn't get jealous when your friends get hitched. According to the words of a famous pastor I have come to love and respect, “married people should envy single people”. You don't agree? Let me tell you why. As a single, do you have to answer to anyone? Do you have to make another a priority? Do you have to cut back on some things to please another?

 We all have a source. That source is God. He created us and molded us in His own image. Do you know it's easier to serve God as a single than as part of a couple? You need a reason to agree with that one don't you? Trust me, I always deliver. I'll give you one. As a single, you can go to as many church programs as you want. You can serve God in any capacity via Kingdom service. You can give as much of your time as you want to God. The only person that you have to consult or put into consideration is yourself. When you're part of a couple(in this instance I mean married), that becomes harder to do. You can't spend your time in service at the expense of your husband and children. Even God understands that at that point your husband is now a priority as well. While he isn't above God, he still has the authority to make you stay at home when you want to go to church. This is another reason why it is important that you get hitched to someone on the same spiritual plane as you are(but that is a post for another day). He{she} who is married cares for the things of the Lord – how he{she} may please the Lord. But he{she} who is married cares about the things of the world – how he{she} may please his{her} wife{husband} 1 Cor. 7:32-34(paraphrased by me). Apostle Paul goes on to clarify that marriage isn't a sin though. See verse 36.

 Society wants you to think that there's something wrong with you if you're single and happy. Pay them no mind. They just can't understand what they lack. I mean isn't it better to go into a relationship complete instead of incomplete in search of the one that would complete you? God didn't initiate the institution of marriage for that. He's a jealous God. He wants to be the only One that completes us. Your partner should complement you not make you whole. I am not asking you to make Jesus your husband, I am not a fanatic. I understand the desire to be loved by another human being...God put that desire in us. It's natural and okay but it shouldn't be a driving force in your life. Your desire should never control you and make the other aspects of your life dreary. Let me tell you one fact that I want you to keep close to your heart at all times. No man can complete you...only God can. Again, no man wants a liability. He doesn't want a woman that cannot exist or be outside their relationship. Why do you think they keep pursuing that one woman that never seems to have time to spare for them. They pursue because they know she's a fulfilled woman, a confident woman and they want to be a part of her life. Work on yourself a little. Read more. Try out new things. Personally, I find I get bored fast with a man that cannot seem to stimulate me mentally. I assume men must feel that way too(atleast some men).

 I don't want to make this post too long. I think I've hit the major points. I'll leave you with these prayer points has helped me be strong enough to wait for God's best and plan for my life. 

Prayer Points: 

 1. Lord grant me the patience to wait for your plan and purpose for my life. Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Corinthians 2:9

 2. Direct and guide me. Isaiah 30:2

 3. Let me actively begin to work in Your purpose for my life. Acts 2:23; Romans 8:28; Romans 9:11
4. Lord engrace me with fresh zeal for the things of Your kingdom. Matthew 6:33

 5. Revive my spiritual life. John 4:23-24

 6. Help me to serve You now that I can without any hindrances. Exodus 23:25

 7. Pray for your future spouse. Hebrews 11:1

 8. Trust God. Mark 9:23; Proverbs 3:5

 9. Give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Stay Blessed!!! 


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