This is my favorite holiday. For as long as I can remember, I've always looked forward to Christmas. This year, I started longing since June. I wanted Christmas to come early. There's just something about the season that brings along with it joy.
What is the joy of Christmas though? I'll tell you...we all look forward to Christmas for different reasons. Some because it's that time of the year where all of the family gathers together to celebrate. Others because it signifies the end of another year. And yet another group because it's that time of the year when they recieve and receive again. Lol...nothing bad with all that though. But let me take a minute to tell you what Christmas means to me.
Christmas means hope to me. It means a new beginning. A fresh start. My new year begins on Christmas. A while back...when I was trying to figure Christmas out, I heard a pastor ministering and he said, "Mary went into the stable pregnant and came out of it with a baby(a bundle of joy)." He went on to explain himself...according to him, when a woman is about to deliver a child, she's in pain...but she pushes through and is rewarded with Joy. Another illustration is Jesus, He didn't care about the suffering He was about to endure but looked past it to the joy that awaited Him afterwards at the right hand of God.
When you think about it...Christmas(the birth of Christ) is the first step in God's plan of eternal redemption for man. The fact that Jesus agreed to be a sacrificial lamb for humanity and have His unsullied blood wash away our sins. So, I get why we celebrate His birth. It gave us hope and it still does till this very day. For me, I don't get discouraged when the year draws to an end and I've suffered more setbacks than successes. I already understand that I am more than a conqueror. I continue to push through.
Infact, the majority of my dreams were born around this period. Every year, the Lord places a new dream in my heart and I run with it all through the following year. As expected, He has done that again this year. Some years, I don't fully accomplish what I set out to do in a given year...sometimes I fall more times than I get up...other times I just sit back and watch the dream die. But when Christmas comes knocking, my hope is revived. My faith springs back to life...I realize that I get another chance. Another go at it...
Dearest readers, why continue to worry and be anxious about what we cannot change. Last I heard, there's no time machine and no way to go back in time and alter decisions, save our loved ones, get our jobs back, eat healthier, pray more, fast more or give more...but we get a chance to start over. God is the God of multiple chances. He never gives up on us. He knew us way before we were created. No man is a biological accident. There's always a reason with our God...and we know that all things work together for good for those who love Him...with God on our side, who can be against us?
1 with God is always in the majority. God is love. God is good. He's loving and giving. He watches over us day and night. We love Him because He first loved us. Christmas should be more than eating and drinking and being merry. It's should be about renewing our strength in Christ. Jesus is the reason for the season after all. His joy fill your heart and be sure to bless others with this joy. Don't be selfish...share it.
If you need to rededicate yourself to God...please do so...if you're yet to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior, say this quick prayer;
Your word says we are saved by grace through faith as a gift from You. We cannot earn salvation. I believe and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. I believe He paid the ultimate price for my sins. I believe that Jesus is alive today. I am a sinner and I ask You to forgive me. By faith I receive Jesus Christ now as my personal Lord and Savior. I believe I am saved and that I will spend eternity with You. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, Amen.
A relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship of your is also the greatest relationship experience in the world...just taste and see that the Lord is good.
I pray that the Joy of the Lord richly fills your hearts this season. Share the love...give...and give is more blessed to give than to receive.
Merry Christmas!!!!
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