Thursday 24 December 2015


As humans, we are all gifted and endowed with a unique set of skills and
abilities. With those abilities we can make extra-ordinary things turn around positively in the world around us, or remain the same. You only can determine whether you want your life to make a difference and what difference you want your life to make. In this world, many people set lofty goals for their lives and want to be remembered as visionaries, they want to turn things around and impact positively to the world. Others want to be remembered as Good Samaritans.

Who is referred to as the better person? The one who changes the world or the one who saves the individual? Don't bask in the euphoria of doing incredible things only; just being there for the people around you can save someone from a
meaningless life and help them lead the life they were meant to live. Small things matter. Changing the life of another person is an incredible feeling and it is
completely within your grasp. You can engage in this by deciding to become a mentor to a young ambitious person. You can also be of help to them by helping them avoid the mistakes you have made and by helping them learn from the ones they will inevitably make themselves.

Nevertheless, you will often see someone get treated unfairly. It happens both professionally and socially, individuals who deserve recognition do not get it. By taking up their side and make sure
others get what they deserve and earn, you will be a true hero. You will make a lasting impact on their lives and you will be rewarded with love and help in the future when you are in need. The law of karma says that whatever you do you will get back threefold, helping others is
therefore a selfish act, but still a good act, one that you should do without fear, with love and with the knowledge that you will one day be rewarded.

Always remember, compromise is the enemy of long term commitment, if you have committed to helping someone by being their mentor or by fighting for their rights, don't stop half way. Go the distance and see it through. Actions speak louder than words.

Do not let 2015 spill over into 2016. In truth we might all be here to help each other, we might all be a part of a machine that fosters cooperation. We might just be here to make the best of the situation for ourselves. In any case, helping others brings happiness and prosperity into your own life, so for whatever reason you chose to help others, it will always help you in return. The difference between stopping half way and finishing isn't much in terms of the work you put in, but in the difference for the individual you are helping..

My people, make a difference in 2016.
Compliments of the season!

Oshundairo Hafeez

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