Tuesday 24 May 2016

Discovering/Finding Your Purpose (Conclusion)

The first step in finding or discovering your purpose in life is asking questions. I will list some of the questions I feel might truly be of help.

1. What are you dissatisfied or unhappy about: Have you always felt like you were in the wrong occupation? Does it look like something is missing in your career? Has work become dreary and dull? Are you no longer motivated to give your best at work? Sometimes lack of peace or joy might be an indicator that we're on the wrong path, othertimes it could be spiritual warfare. Prayer is needed to discern which it is. You need to pray, meditate on God's word, seek wise counsel and then start thinking towards a change (if you need one).

2. What do others say about you: Here I'm not talking about the negativity people are prone to throw our way. Let me explain with this illustration. I started writing when I was younger. My imagination was out of this world. I would write stories during the day so I would have a bedtime story for my brother at night (he never forgot to ask for one). I thought nothing of it. Then when I got to high school, I found if I wanted to express myself perfectly, I had better write a letter. My English teacher then was a big help. He kept telling me I could be a writer, but back then, I really wanted to be a doctor. So I stayed on in science class jeje.

Then I evolved from just writing to express myself to writing about matters of the heart, relationship fix-ups and so on. It got so that people started coming to me for advice when they reached a sticky spot in their relationships. After each advice, they would say words like, "you could do this for a living you know" "do you want to be the next Oprah ni" "you're good at this". I eventually started listening to what they were saying and I slowly started rearranging my life choices, I moved from sciences to arts...I started taking online courses in psychology...I joined groups online that brought creative writers together...I found real life mentors that already tread the path I want to...I haven't reached the zenith of my ladder but I'm happy and I can tell I'm on the right path for me. I hope that explains what I mean. You've got to listen to what people say about you...they can tell you what you're truly good at.

3. What are you passionate about: Let me put it this way...what makes you angry, happy, sad, excited...what brings out a bunch of reactions from you? I once told a spiritual mentor of mine that I feel my ministry is to the female gender. Young and old. I'm angry when they've been molested, abused or taken advantage of. No matter how good a friend a guy is to me, he knows the moment he disrespects his woman or baby mama in anyway, our friendship is on rocky grounds. I can't bear to see a woman crying. I can't bear to see her ache for her man or her child. I'm aware of what I'm passionate about. I've created a niche that mostly speaks to women and I've even been working on other projects that boost this passion of mine.

I once read in a book by Joel Osteen, "what if you're the answer to most of the questions that pop up in your head?" (Paraphrased by me) So, the next time you think, "why doesn't somebody do something about....?" Why don't you think of anything little or big you can do about it too. If we wait for someone else to do everything, nothing will get fixed!

4. What are your gifts: Billy Graham wrote in one if his books that God gave everyone a gift or gifts. Everyone has one. I know that to be a fact. I doubt there's anyone living that doesn't have a gift. The only problem might be they are yet to discover what their gift is/are.

What is that one thing you do better than others? Your gifts are hints to what your purpose in life is.

In conclusion, I sincerely believe that since God created each and everyone of us for a purpose, He is more than able to reveal what that purpose is to us...if only we ask. During the last Shiloh at the Youth Alive Forum, Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr. said over and over again that no one is a biological accident. It doesn't matter if you were a result of an unplanned pregnancy out of wedlock or an orphan...you were created for a purpose. You are a child of destiny.

We are all vessels. Ultimately fulfilling our purpose is fulfilling God's purpose. God doesn't only want to bless us, He wants us to be a blessing. Therefore, that should let us know that our purpose is finding out what God wants to do through us.

Pray that God shows you what moves you, your talents and your gifts. Make a list and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I'm certain you'll find your purpose and that you'll fulfill destiny!!!

Email: adupeola@gmail.com

Telephone: 08086988620


Facebook page: Mending Hearts

Saturday 21 May 2016

Discovering/Finding Your Purpose (Intro).

Wow...I haven't written in a while...it's been 2 months of my emotions running helter skelter not sure of what they wanted to do. I lost my grandfather exactly 2 months ago and he was finally put to rest last week Saturday. I know he lived a full life and left to be with the Lord at a ripe old age but his death truly shocked me. It created a certain void I didn't know could exist. I still miss him. And his loss made it so hard for me to write anything I would want to publish and make public. My words were just too raw and filled with so much emotion.
I'm a little better now. Not that I stopped missing him or crying when I suddenly think about him, but I finally am at peace with his loss. I know death is the inevitable end of man and that my grandfather had never been afraid of going to meet his Creator. I know he's definitely in a better place.
His death got me wondering about so many things though. Some of which I've wondered about in the past and shrugged off. Nowadays, they seem to linger. One of such is the fact that man was created for a purpose but it is up to man to discover what that purpose is!
Life always seems boring, unexciting and dreary for those living without having figured out what their purpose is. What is my God-ordained purpose? What is yours? What exactly does God have in mind for me? What are His plans for my life? Why was I created? Why was I born here? What am I supposed to be doing? Is this all there is to life? There has got to be more, right?
I'm sure the above questions have gone through our minds at some point in our lives. One of the reasons some people who have everything seem to be uncontented and unhappy with their lives is because of lack of purpose. The key to living a fulfilled life is by finding your purpose.
In my next post we'll be looking at ways by which we can discover/find our purpose.
Check out my Facebook page : Mending Hearts
Contact number: 08086988620
Email: adupeola@gmail.com