Thursday, 24 December 2015


As humans, we are all gifted and endowed with a unique set of skills and
abilities. With those abilities we can make extra-ordinary things turn around positively in the world around us, or remain the same. You only can determine whether you want your life to make a difference and what difference you want your life to make. In this world, many people set lofty goals for their lives and want to be remembered as visionaries, they want to turn things around and impact positively to the world. Others want to be remembered as Good Samaritans.

Who is referred to as the better person? The one who changes the world or the one who saves the individual? Don't bask in the euphoria of doing incredible things only; just being there for the people around you can save someone from a
meaningless life and help them lead the life they were meant to live. Small things matter. Changing the life of another person is an incredible feeling and it is
completely within your grasp. You can engage in this by deciding to become a mentor to a young ambitious person. You can also be of help to them by helping them avoid the mistakes you have made and by helping them learn from the ones they will inevitably make themselves.

Nevertheless, you will often see someone get treated unfairly. It happens both professionally and socially, individuals who deserve recognition do not get it. By taking up their side and make sure
others get what they deserve and earn, you will be a true hero. You will make a lasting impact on their lives and you will be rewarded with love and help in the future when you are in need. The law of karma says that whatever you do you will get back threefold, helping others is
therefore a selfish act, but still a good act, one that you should do without fear, with love and with the knowledge that you will one day be rewarded.

Always remember, compromise is the enemy of long term commitment, if you have committed to helping someone by being their mentor or by fighting for their rights, don't stop half way. Go the distance and see it through. Actions speak louder than words.

Do not let 2015 spill over into 2016. In truth we might all be here to help each other, we might all be a part of a machine that fosters cooperation. We might just be here to make the best of the situation for ourselves. In any case, helping others brings happiness and prosperity into your own life, so for whatever reason you chose to help others, it will always help you in return. The difference between stopping half way and finishing isn't much in terms of the work you put in, but in the difference for the individual you are helping..

My people, make a difference in 2016.
Compliments of the season!

Oshundairo Hafeez

The Joy of Christmas

This is my favorite holiday. For as long as I can remember,  I've always looked forward to Christmas. This year, I started longing since June. I wanted Christmas to come early. There's just something about the season that brings along with it joy.

What is the joy of Christmas though? I'll tell you...we all look forward to Christmas for different reasons. Some because it's that time of the year where all of the family gathers together to celebrate. Others because it signifies the end of another year. And yet another group because it's that time of the year when they recieve and receive again. Lol...nothing bad with all that though. But let me take a minute to tell you what Christmas means to me.

Christmas means hope to me. It means a new beginning. A fresh start. My new year begins on Christmas. A while back...when I was trying to figure Christmas out, I heard a pastor ministering and he said, "Mary went into the stable pregnant and came out of it with a baby(a bundle of joy)." He went on to explain himself...according to him, when a woman is about to deliver a child, she's in pain...but she pushes through and is rewarded with Joy. Another illustration is Jesus, He didn't care about the suffering He was about to endure but looked past it to the joy that awaited Him afterwards at the right hand of God.

When you think about it...Christmas(the birth of Christ) is the first step in God's plan of eternal redemption for man. The fact that Jesus agreed to be a sacrificial lamb for humanity and have His unsullied blood wash away our sins. So, I get why we celebrate His birth. It gave us hope and it still does till this very day. For me, I don't get discouraged when the year draws to an end and I've suffered more setbacks than successes. I already understand that I am more than a conqueror. I continue to push through.

Infact,  the majority of my dreams were born around this period. Every year, the Lord places a new dream in my heart and I run with it all through the following year. As expected, He has done that again this year. Some years, I don't fully accomplish what I set out to do in a given year...sometimes I fall more times than I get up...other times I just sit back and watch the dream die. But when Christmas comes knocking, my hope is revived. My faith springs back to life...I realize that I get another chance. Another go at it...

Dearest readers, why continue to worry and be anxious about what we cannot change. Last I heard, there's no time machine and no way to go back in time and alter decisions, save our loved ones, get our jobs back, eat healthier, pray more, fast more or give more...but we get a chance to start over. God is the God of multiple chances. He never gives up on us. He knew us way before we were created. No man is a biological accident. There's always a reason with our God...and we know that all things work together for good for those who love Him...with God on our side, who can be against us?

1 with God is always in the majority. God is love. God is good. He's loving and giving. He watches over us day and night. We love Him because He first loved us. Christmas should be more than eating and drinking and being merry. It's should be about renewing our strength in Christ. Jesus is the reason for the season after all. His joy fill your heart and be sure to bless others with this joy. Don't be selfish...share it.

If you need to rededicate yourself to God...please do so...if you're yet to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior, say this quick prayer;


Your word says we are saved by grace through faith as a gift from You. We cannot earn salvation. I believe and confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. I believe He paid the ultimate price for my sins. I believe that Jesus is alive today. I am a sinner and I ask You to forgive me. By faith I receive Jesus Christ now as  my personal Lord and Savior. I believe I am saved and that I will spend eternity with You. Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, Amen.

A relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship of your is also the greatest relationship experience in the world...just taste and see that the Lord is good.

I pray that the Joy of the Lord richly fills your hearts this season. Share the love...give...and give is more blessed to give than to receive.

Merry Christmas!!!!


Monday, 14 December 2015

Single But Whole

Nowadays, it seems every other lady I come across is in a hurry to get hitched. I meet with resistance every time I try to tell them that single-hood can be the must interesting season of a woman's life. I understand the desire to be part of a couple. I have this same desire, I'm only human after all. The thing is, you cannot be made whole in a relationship if you aren't whole as a single. Expecting your partner to complete you is adding more pressure than necessary on them. This is what tears most relationships apart. You need to be secure in your individuality so you don't lose yourself in a relationship. If you were living a fulfilling life, you wouldn't get jealous when your friends get hitched. According to the words of a famous pastor I have come to love and respect, “married people should envy single people”. You don't agree? Let me tell you why. As a single, do you have to answer to anyone? Do you have to make another a priority? Do you have to cut back on some things to please another?

 We all have a source. That source is God. He created us and molded us in His own image. Do you know it's easier to serve God as a single than as part of a couple? You need a reason to agree with that one don't you? Trust me, I always deliver. I'll give you one. As a single, you can go to as many church programs as you want. You can serve God in any capacity via Kingdom service. You can give as much of your time as you want to God. The only person that you have to consult or put into consideration is yourself. When you're part of a couple(in this instance I mean married), that becomes harder to do. You can't spend your time in service at the expense of your husband and children. Even God understands that at that point your husband is now a priority as well. While he isn't above God, he still has the authority to make you stay at home when you want to go to church. This is another reason why it is important that you get hitched to someone on the same spiritual plane as you are(but that is a post for another day). He{she} who is married cares for the things of the Lord – how he{she} may please the Lord. But he{she} who is married cares about the things of the world – how he{she} may please his{her} wife{husband} 1 Cor. 7:32-34(paraphrased by me). Apostle Paul goes on to clarify that marriage isn't a sin though. See verse 36.

 Society wants you to think that there's something wrong with you if you're single and happy. Pay them no mind. They just can't understand what they lack. I mean isn't it better to go into a relationship complete instead of incomplete in search of the one that would complete you? God didn't initiate the institution of marriage for that. He's a jealous God. He wants to be the only One that completes us. Your partner should complement you not make you whole. I am not asking you to make Jesus your husband, I am not a fanatic. I understand the desire to be loved by another human being...God put that desire in us. It's natural and okay but it shouldn't be a driving force in your life. Your desire should never control you and make the other aspects of your life dreary. Let me tell you one fact that I want you to keep close to your heart at all times. No man can complete you...only God can. Again, no man wants a liability. He doesn't want a woman that cannot exist or be outside their relationship. Why do you think they keep pursuing that one woman that never seems to have time to spare for them. They pursue because they know she's a fulfilled woman, a confident woman and they want to be a part of her life. Work on yourself a little. Read more. Try out new things. Personally, I find I get bored fast with a man that cannot seem to stimulate me mentally. I assume men must feel that way too(atleast some men).

 I don't want to make this post too long. I think I've hit the major points. I'll leave you with these prayer points has helped me be strong enough to wait for God's best and plan for my life. 

Prayer Points: 

 1. Lord grant me the patience to wait for your plan and purpose for my life. Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Corinthians 2:9

 2. Direct and guide me. Isaiah 30:2

 3. Let me actively begin to work in Your purpose for my life. Acts 2:23; Romans 8:28; Romans 9:11
4. Lord engrace me with fresh zeal for the things of Your kingdom. Matthew 6:33

 5. Revive my spiritual life. John 4:23-24

 6. Help me to serve You now that I can without any hindrances. Exodus 23:25

 7. Pray for your future spouse. Hebrews 11:1

 8. Trust God. Mark 9:23; Proverbs 3:5

 9. Give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Stay Blessed!!! 
